Alexander Alexander is grandson of In other source has been said that after Darius (king of persia) attack to Greece and his win , he was celebrated his victory and He married philip dougther,s Roxanne , she became pregnant but King Darius released her because of hating from her stuffy mouth smell and return to Persia alone. When Alexander grown up he became king of Alexander sent his victory news by a soldier that his name was Maraton to Soldier Maraton run non stop all the way to It is said in a myth story that when Alexander died , in funeral poeple could not close his palm hand in the coffin till an old person pour some soil in Alexander’s palm hand suddenly he close his palm hand . This story shows he has been very greedy to conquesting new territories . Between later Zoroastrian writers Alexander have good personality , even writers have written a book with name of Alexander in Persian (such as eskandar-name ) , that is imagined they have root in out of persian litrature .
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